DAD MOM RYAN RACHELLE LIZA EMMA and beloved brothers and sisters
I cannot express how grateful I am to know that God is sending angels to attend to you Mom. Shirley, Heidi, Noah, our dear WARD family - how grateful I am for their Christlike compassion and outreached hands. I've plead for angels and surely He has sent them in great abundance, from both sides of the veil. Emma, you too are her angel. I'm sure of it - I'm so grateful she has you and Dad there with her to help.
I feel so confident in our Savior Jesus Christ. I love and adore Him. The time that He has granted me to serve as a full time missionary has been most precious and sacred to me and I reverently thank Him for the miracles I've experience and seen. The other day, some kind brother we met along the streets of Arlington was very curious about our lifestyle as missionaries. Shocked, he asked if we would do this for the rest of our lives. Thankfully and happily, I was able to answer "No." Our Father in Heaven called us to serve full-time for but a season. He wants us to return home, to have families of our own, and to progress in the manner He intended. My mission has changed me forever. I will always remember and cherish this time, and yet, I look forward to the unfolding miracles that lie ahead.
My friends - Christ is coming! Our Savior and King is coming quickly. I cannot but scratch the surface in words the excitement, joy, and urgency I feel coursing through my soul. In glory and power beyond our mortal comprehension our Risen Lord will come again. And it is but moments away. The leadership of the DC South mission has now been authorized to proselyte online! We have been commissioned to proclaim the gospel via online resources. In Mosiah 16:1 Abiniadi prophesied of our day saying, "The time shall come when ALL shall see the salvation of the Lord; when EVERY nation, kindred, tongue, and people shall see EYE TO EYE and shall confess before God that his judgements are just." Eye to eye, face to face: facetime, facebook, and skype. To EVERY nation, kindred, tongue and people we will proclaim the truth. Our Father in Heaven and our Lord Jesus Christ have created and refined this online realm with wisdom and great power. The world is interconnected and twined in ways unimaginable than ever before. The gospel is flooding the earth and will only increase in momentum. No more backpacks and scriptures, but ipads and iphones will we carry. The fullness of times is now and its laid before our fingertips. We live in the FUTURE!! We live in those marvelous days every prophet looked forward to. The time is NOW. Regardless of location or association, we have been commissioned to invite ALL to come unto Christ. Our mission will be getting ipads and iphones in December and I'm soo excited to be a part of this unfolding miracle back home. It is most exciting.
There was a missionary in the Baltimore mission who was baptized only a few years ago. None of his family took interest in the gospel while he was home and he was the only one to join. When the Baltimore mission was authorized to go online a month or so ago, he taught his family the lessons over skype, eventually involving the missionaries and members from his hometown too. He will be returning home to baptize his entire family in 2 months time! What a miracle. This is the beginning of a whole new level of missionary work. I'm so happy
I love you all!
Sister Woodbury... Yeah McDonald's Ice Cream Cones! |
I trained Sister Bell. Sister Bell trained Sister Herring. Sister Herring trained Sister ____ |
Good old Donovan! I love him. He's doing great! |