Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5-14-12 Without the Spirit Ye Shall Not Teach

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! WOOHOOO!! and HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA DONG!!! HOORAY FOR BEING BORNED!!! (expect a letter my dear) I love you guys so very much. This week flew by and yet sooooo much happened it seems like its lasted forever. Elder D. Todd Christofferson spoke at our devotional Tuesday and man was it cool. He went through 2 Nephi 31, 3 Nephi 11, and 3 Nephi 27 and talked about the role of the Godhead in the doctrine of Christ. Pretty cool. He also talked about how our commission as missionaries is the same as the Prophet, Apostles, and Quorums of 70! Its such an honor to be here, to be the Lórd's missionary. But what I absolutely loved was yesterday, Sunday's, fireside by some man in the MTC administration. He talked about the symbol in medicine of a snake wrapped around a stake. It represents healing and Christ. When the people of Israel were wicked and complained about the mana God was supplying them, God sent snakes to bite those who rebeled. Because people were dying left and right, they finally went to Moses and begged for forgiveness, asking for a way to be healed from the snake bites. He told them to put this symbol on a cross and they only needed to look to it to be healed. Its talked about over and over in the scriptures, john 3:14-16, 1 Nephi 17:41, Alma 33:19-22, Helaman 8:14-15. Read these. They're amazing. Just like how in junior high, if one kid starts looking at the ceiling, eventually the whole classroom is looking up at the cieling to see what he's looking at. If we are looking to the Savior, If He is the center of our teaching , the center of our hearts, then others will look to Him as well. It was such an incredible talk. I wish I had time to write more.
It has been so humbling to be here. Without God, without His spirit, no man can teach. One night, we had a guest teacher join Brother Bush and I found myself getting a little annoyed with him. I could feel the spirit leave immediately. Then when we were supposed to practice teaching, it was awful. My words seemed so empty and worthless. It was terrible. And of course, I cried. Once I repented, once I cried unto God asking for forgiveness and for His Spirit to return, and once I talked with and got to know this teacher, I realized how beloved he is of our Savior. The Spirit was with me again and as we taught a lesson, it was like black and white. God could again use me as a vessel to teach, to speak the words that He would have His precious child here. I can't do this on my own, and I don't have to! I trust in my Lord, I trust Him with all my heart, and I dedicate all that I am, all that I have to Him.
I am learning so much and I am so happy! Know that you are always in my heart and always in my prayers. Oh how grateful I am for our Savior. He has made it possible for us to return to our Eternal Father together, as a family, forever!!!
I got a PRESENT!!! YAY!!! I'M POPULAR!!! Thank you for the package of shirts and things. Gma's watch works!! Thank you!! And you guys have no idea how much your letters mean. They mean so much, so thank you thank you thank. 
Ok flight info -  my flight departs at 9:41 am (Utah time) on 5/23/12 and I arrive in DC 3:50 pm. I've got my phone card ready and I'm so excited to talk to you guys! I don't really know how much time we'll have. But everyone, be ready!!! Can i call the girls cell phones too while they're in school? Everyone be ready. Or you guys should just delay/ditch seminary and spanish and work that morning for me... ya?! if not. I'm calling each of you. Is rachelle still a receptionist. I'll send my photo card at the end of this weekish. Can't wait to see pictures of you guys.
Out of time! I'll send a letter. Love you with all my heart, might, mind, and strength!

God speed - Sister Julia Jeppsen

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