Tuesday, August 14, 2012

8-13-12 Traffic- It's like God is parting the Red Sea (for us on our bikes)

DAD MOM RY RACHELLE LIZA EMM and all my other loved ones!
Hello :) I love the city so much. Our schedule is always packed, always
having to cut meal times and study times short to squeeze everyone in. Its
incredible that it works - God surely micromanages. And its a miracle
really that we're still alive. [ Remember Julia and Sis Rozsa are on bikes]
 Its like God is parting the Red Sea of traffic for us and its remarkable. 
I am so grateful for all His incredible
children who listen to His gentle promptings and look before moving
forward, who see us and kindly wait to allow us to pass. I pray that He
blessed each of them abundantly for yielding to the Spirit and for serving
His missionaries!!! Transfers are this week....... we've been praying since
the beginning of this transfer that we'll stay together. But if not, God
knows far better than us where we need to be and who we need to be with. So
all is well. No fears :)

is going to be the greatest missionary!! I'm so happy for her. God is going
to work soo many miracles through her. I can't wait to hear all about them!

Ok, Bret Turner shared an amazing quote with me in one of his letters.
"Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightening
about shrinking so that others won't feel insecure around you. We were born
to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. Its not just in some
of us; its in everyone. And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously
give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from fear,
our presence automatically liberates others" - Marianne Williamson. How

It is so humbling to be part of these incredible ward families. There are
some remarkable members who are so willing and so actively participating
and doing all they can do to take part in God's work as missionaries. In
all reality, the members are crucial to this work. If everyone were like
the Slater family or like Michelle, so many more of God's precious children
would have the truth and be part of Christ's fold. I wish I had been more
aware. I wish I had lived up to my baptismal covenants and truly gave all
that He had given me to those around me. But the beauty of the
Atonement is, I can now and I don't ever have to stop! Fellowship and
welcome the investigators the missionaries bring to the ward. Open your
mouths and share with those you love and those you know that which you
treasure most!
Have you guys made any progress with Zach?? Our McDonalds friend? Invite
him over for family night! Or to church! Or something. Let him experience
this incredible gospel, give him the chance to come unto Christ too.

Had a great pass lesson with Elder Earnshaw. We were teaching this great
kid named Oscar.


Thank you for the package!!! The Blocks are GREAT!! I'll be sure to eat
them sparingly. BUT, if you send another package - be sure to SEND MINTS.
I'm good on popcorn, but for future packages, have apple cider and mints
always be a staple :) You're the best momdre.


                                                              We love the Slaters

                                                              Taneala is great.

                                                  Rudy came to a baptism.

                                   Troy got the priesthood!!! And his patriarchal blessing

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