Monday, August 20, 2012

8-20-12 Transferred and soon to be Training Already after only 3 months!!

DAD MOM RY RACHELLE LIZA EMMA and my many other loved ones
The pictures look GREAT!! What wonderful fun Powell must have been! Lake Powell is heaven on earth... right after the celestial room of the temple, obviously. Ben's mission farewell! And Rebecca's wedding! So many exciting things going on.
And guess what... I WAS TRANSFERRED!!!!!! I am no longer in Shirlington and Alex 1 with Sister Rozsa. But I am now serving in Centreville 2nd with Sister Meier! AND I'm white washing again!! We sisters have replaced the elders, so neither of us know the area or the investigators. White washing is great. I love it. And then again, its all I know haha. Sister Meier is a "mini missionary," or in other words - she is only serving for 3 months. Her family lives like 20 minutes away!! Weird huh! She hasn't been through the MTC, and she hasn't been trained. She's already been out for 2 months and she finishes the 12th of September.
AND guess what else! I will be training a temple square sister in about a week from now. So we will temporarily have a three some. Since temple square sisters don't have the opportunity to work out in the field, they send them out to different missions for about 3 months to give them the chance to find, teach, and baptize! I'm very excited.
     The ward is absolutley incredible and they loved the Elders before us. Hopefully we can gain the trust and love of the ward as they did. President Riggs has come up with this incredible new "commandment" for us missionaries. He has asked us to visit 10-15 members in the ward for an extended time, visiting each of them every week for about 5-15 minutes. We go, and we ask them something like "What revelation have you received from the Lord for us, your missionaires, to bless the lives of your family and neighbors?" Its pretty direct. We're also to visit the Bishop each week and ask him something like "What has the Lord revealed to you through the keys that you hold for us, the missionaries in your ward, to bless the lives of those in our ward and in our area?" Its been SOO cool to do! We have already seen some miracles from it, and President has promised that as we do this, we will break down the damn that slows our progress. I am so grateful for commandments! Commandments are God's way of blessing us. The things He asks us to do are so simple and so easy. And in return, He can pour blessings over our heads. He wants to bless us. He wants to give us more! We must seek for areas in which we can improve and strive constantly to change so that we can lay claim on EVERY blessing avaiable to us.
I've been given so many new responsibilities. Change is for the good tho. God does not ever want us to become stagnant. We must RECEIVE CHANGE. D&C 93:39 says that light and truth are taken away through disobedience and tradition. Without change there can be no growth. I am so grateful for change, for the pains that come with growing. There's a quotes that says - "God comfort us, not to make us comfortable, but to make us comforters." Comforting others and lifting others is not comfortable. Its the opposite. It requires selfless work and effort. And it can be challenging at times, but with God, we can do all things! I trust in Him and I praise Him. I love our Father in Heaven and I love my Savior.
 Last ice cream with my lovely and forever friend Sister Rozsa

 Elder Hollings. From Vegas - he's really good at volleyball
Sister Meier!!

Goodbye to Jackie and Shirley. I love them so much!!!

 Goodbye to Patrick!

 Sara Muso, this incredible woman from Sudan who has abandoned her Muslim background to be Christian. She believes in the Book of Mormon and Christ, but can't be baptized or else she'd be killed. She's remarkable.

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