Monday, October 22, 2012

10-22-12 Thank you for being "His" hands, freshman volleyball girls!!!

DAD MOM RY RACHELLE LIZA EMMA and fellow friends that I love so dearly
Emma, I cannot even begin to describe how amazed I am by you and your team. For not only looking outward and recognizing our sweet and most beloved and precious friend Aubrey, but for reaching out to her and making her feel just how loved and important she is. Thank you for being like our Savior. Thank you for being His hands! I am in awe and I truly am honored to be your sister. And how great is our Heavenly Father - when we follow His example, we are so very blessed! FRESHMAN CHAMPIONS!!! OODALLALEY!! And someone tell Aubrey I love her and miss her and that she's the greatest volleyball coach/player/inspiration in the whole wide world. 

So lots of parties this week! Well this entire month actually. The Emords, this wonderful family in our ward, basically threw down a couple grand on this giant Halloween party where the whole ward came along with all their non member friends. It was great! We met lots of great people and potential investigators. Then the Saturday was Centreville Day - where different businesses and churches open little booths and everyone walks around. Kinda like Art in the Park... but less artsy. Brother and Sister Stark are wonderful. And so are the Nantos. We had our little booth set up where we offered free family pictures (of which we will gladly deliver to their homes) and candy and tons of flyers and things for our church. Heavenly Father is so wonderful, a few especially prepared people were sent to us and we were able to talk with them. God is great!

We love Binh so much. He took us out to some fancy restaurant - of which we are certain that was extremely expensive and we felt very bad and grateful all at the same time. Then the next day we went to the temple with him and the Elders of the singles ward. We feel at peace passing him, tho its hard to let him go. But Heavenly Father knows what he needs and we're excited to do His will. The temple was marvelous. He couldn't stop saying just how incredible he felt. The spirit was so powerful and he felt it. Something really cool that Sister Carter's dad told her is that if you are feeling the spirit, point it out to them. And if they aren't feeling it, then command them to feel it - for you have the authority to do so. It's been incredible to be able to experience this power of our dear Father several times this week. How great is our God!

Zone conference was incredible. President Riggs so boldly and lovingly told us, "I have had a vision of us teaching by the Spirit. Without a doubt, I have had a vision." As his sons and daughters, as his Elders and Sisters, it is our opportunity to receive the same vision as he - just as Nephi did with his father's vision. 1 Nephi 10:17-19; 11:1. Nephi desired that he might see, hear and know the things which his father saw. He believed that the Lord was able to make it known unto him by the power of the Holy Ghost, so he sought diligently, reading the scriptures, remembering the Lord's dealings with those that had gone before him, earnestly praying, pondering. How wonderful it is that we can see, hear, and know, that we can understand the interpretation of his vision, that we can know how we can help our members seek and receive revelation from God, to help them in their efforts to bless the lives of those that they know and love. And how wondrous it has been! 

So one of the members we've been visiting is our dear stake president, President Hilton is so wonderful. I am in awe of his great love for each of us and for the Lord. Each week we come, they have more revelation to give us. Its wonderful to see them so excited about this work and to see their great faith in God's promise that when we ask, we will receive. They expect and know that they will have revelation for us each week. Well, they felt like they should have us visit the McIntyre family. We had been trying to catch them, and finally were able to this week. And surely it was revelation from God that President and Sister Hilton had received to refer them to us, for they were so prepared! Jim had actually read some of the Book of Mormon this month while staying at the Marriot and both him and his wife were eager (and when I say eager and mean really eager) to meet with us. They are going to be out of town for a while, Jim will be back the 15th but Maureen - who will be returning the 30th of this month asked if she could see us even before Jim returns! How glorious! I will never cease to be amazed by the great goodness and love of our God. 

I love you each so very much. My dear 

APs Elder Mackwenkwe and Westover

The Temple

Temple visit with Binh

Bear Grills

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