Monday, October 29, 2012

10-29-12 Hurricane Sandy is Coming! Thanks for Gifts!

DAD MOM RYAN RACHELLE LIZA EMMA DONG and my incredible friends
Hello! I cannot even begin to describe just how loved I have felt - especially this past week. I have received so many packages and letters my entire mission without fail, and it brings such a great assurance to know that Heavenly Father has blessed me with family and friends that care about me and think of me, when really I deserve none of your love. How grateful I am for each of you! Thank you for the blanket, the McDonald's gift card, the candy and mints, the food, the vitamins, the pictures, the letters of love and encouragement, the updates and jokes, the stories and miracles. Thank you thank you thank you, each and every one of you! Melissa, Lexi, my dear sweet ward, brother Givens, my beloved mother and family, my dear friends. All of you. Thank you. And I never cease to be amazed of God's great mercy and love, for He still continues to place His incredible, selfless, and valiant children along my path. The members and investigators here treat me as if I were their own and they show deep and genuine concern and love for us. I am in awe. For Christ's love is evident by each of your actions and I am humbled to be the recipient of such charity. I know that I will never be able to make up for all the sacrifices you have made for me, but I hope I will be able to show just how much I appreciate and love each of you one day - tho I am aware it will take the eternities to do it. 

Ok, now the latest weather update here in Northern Virginia. HURRICANE!!  Its about to hit.   Hurricane Sandy/Frankenstorm. It is going to be Crazy! We've had a dozen phone calls from our dear ward members concerned about our well being - making sure we have food storage, 72 hour packs, coats, equipment, radios, and all the survival necessities. I love the members here. They are so fantastic. I am not kidding, we've had a gabilllion phone calls from different members making sure we're all prepared and safe. They really are such incredible people, especially the Starks. We're so blessed to know them.  We are in our apartment and are all prepared.  We will let you know how it goes!!  We pray everyone will be safe!  

So Arnold is a super hero. He went from smoking 30 cigs and drinking 5 cups a coffee a day to smoking 4 cigs and 1 cup of coffee a day in just 2 weeks. But, Sister Carter and I realized that in order to be baptized the 7th, he has to be completely clean a week before - which happens to be this Wednesday. We called our dear friend Arnold and told him the situation, and he said "Ok. I will do it." When he came to church the next day, he told us he threw out all his cigarettes and coffee and committed himself to being perfectly clean, and perfectly obedient :) Oh, he is so great! His poor head pounding with a headache, he never once complained. His smile was as big as ever for he was so excited to be living the Word of Wisdom in its fullness. We had a lesson with him after church where he had a priesthood blessing. While watching the Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration movie with him a few weeks earlier, he was most powerfully struck by the Spirit when he witnessed Joseph Smith healing the sick by the power of God. I love our Father in Heaven. As soon as Brother Zeledon placed his hands on his head, his headache stopped, his body no longer aching in withdrawal. In awe and great gratitude, Arnold was able to testify that he knew that this church does in deed have the power and authority our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He lives and He loves us. How honored I am to witness His power, I will forever praise and glorify Him.

Guess what! For halloween we get to watch a disney movie!!!!!! :D Hazah!


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