Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7-15-13 Crazy Yearbook phrase, "Never Change" That's Silly, Change is Great!! We Love Isaiah! (So Does Nephi) Bahaha!

DAD MOM RY RACHELLE LIZA EMMDONG and my lovely friends
Woohoo!! Oh how great is our God! If we keep His commandments, the Lord WILL prosper us and bless us. I'm so happy for you Rachelle :) And Brother Givens too! "For I will fulfil my promises which I have made unto the children of men, that I will do unto them WHILE they are in the flesh" (2 Nephi 10:17).
I remember when I was a young lass in Junior High. At the end of each school year, we'd anxiously receive our yearbooks with great excitement. I remember carrying that yearbook in hand and, seeing the example of everyone else, I would eagerly bid others to write in it that I too would have a record of my friends and acquaintances. More often than not, I remember my fellow peers writing the words: "Never change!" above their signed names and numbers. I'm pretty sure I thoughtlessly did the same on many a persons yearbooks as well. As I've thought about these words, I've realized how silly such a phrase is, and how it denies the entire purpose of our existence.  
The central purpose of this life is to CHANGE. To put off the natural man and become a saint through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. His grace IS sufficient. Not only has he saved us, but He can CHANGE us. President Riggs has taught us that the way we can access such grace is through faith, humility, and diligence. All things are possible to him that believes.
One stalwart example of one who has accessed the Atonement of our Redeemer is our good friend Isaiah. We LOVE Isaiah!! (So does Nephi).. bahaha. Anyways - Isaiah's heart has changed. His eyes have been opened, his mind has been enlightened, his understanding expanded, and his heart has been transformed. He knows his Heavenly Father and he loves his Savior. It was so sweet to be a witness to such a tender and precious moment for his family. Both his mom and sister recently were baptized and it was so tender to see them rejoice for their son and brother. We were filled with the sweetest joy that comes only from the Lord when his sister stood before us and bore her testimony and love of the Savior. The Spirit entered our hearts with great power as she looked up with tear filled eyes, expressing how great an impact His gospel and His atoning sacrifice has had on her family. Fabianna, his mother, admitted her amazement of Isaiah's transformation. His countenance is brighter, his perspective greater, his love deeper, and his priorities far grander as he now puts the Lord first in doing the simple daily things to draw near to Christ: scripture study, prayer, repentance, and partaking of the sacrament weekly. It was so precious to be there. And if I rejoice, I can only imagine how great is the rejoicing of the One who sacrificed himself for Isaiah. How wondrous. What a sacred privilege.
Over 300 years after Christ was born, there was a prophet in the ancient Americas named Ammaron. While being about the Lord's work, serving among His people, I imagine him watching the youthful acts of a particular young boy named Mormon, who was 10 years old at the time. As he paid attention to this boy, the Spirit of the Lord came upon his mind and he was able to see the boy's gifts. I imagine him calling the boy to him and kneeling by his side, or perhaps it was done in the manner of a priesthood blessing, we don't know. Ammaron told Mormon what he saw within him. He said: "I perceive that thou art a sober child, and art quick to observe." Mormon, in just a few short years, became the youngest and most trusted leader of the nation's army and was a mighty man in faith and deed. He became a great leader and prophet for the world. Oh how we ought to learn from Mormon and be "quick to observe." We are among many consecrated and Christlike persons who have become highly effective servants in the Lord's hands. They have, and are continuing to become like Christ. Its been marvelous to look to and learn from the prophets of old through reading the holy scriptures, the living prophet and apostles of the Lord today through general conference, my dear mission president, President Riggs, my lovely companion Sister Crockett, my fellow servants, Bishop, ward members, and so many others, I've tried to incorporate into my life what they have allowed the Savior to make of them. I love it. I love this life! I love you so much. You are my most precious family. And we are His.

Love Sister Jeppsen

Isaiah's family :) 

I love this ward 

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