Tuesday, July 2, 2013

6-24-13 Julia's beautiful illustration of Heavenly Father's Love for Us

DAD MOM RY RASH LIZA EMMA and my dear beautiful brothers and sisters whom I love!
Liza's at BYU!! Horrah! Bret Turners all graduated now. Crazy! I love you all soo dearly! Emma dong, keep making oreo balls at the Stevens. They love you so much :)

What an incredible work this is! We are all brothers and sisters of a Heavenly family. We are children of God, our Eternal Father. Sweet Niraj, our Nepalese friend, is so great. He came to America 2 weeks before we met him and has never been taught about Heavenly Father or His Son, Jesus Christ. Though he speaks very little english and we speak absolutely no Nepalese, the Spirit has carried our words to His heart. I've never had to teach soo simply before. I love it! I love finding where our dear brothers and sisters are and walking with them to our Savior. Said once by Benjamin Franklin: "Tell me, and I forget. Teach me, and I remember. Involve me, and I learn." He's come to church the last two weeks and I'm pretty sure he understands next to nothing, BUT, thanks to the Lord, not nothing. After sacrament meeting, he leaned over to us and pointed to the closing hymn we had just finished singing. He looked at us and said, "I learned something." The hymn to which he pointed: I Am a Child of God. "I learned something." We lived with our Father in Heaven, moments ago. We are His children. Together we lived with Him, as brothers and sisters. Our Father wants us to have all that He has, so he created a plan for our happiness, for us to reach our divine potential. Jesus Christ, our eldest brother, stepped forward with humility and perfect love, offering Himself to provide the infinite and eternal sacrifice that we might overcome death and hell. Now we are here, on this beautiful world He created for us. And we must walk by faith. 

And oh how everything good points to Him, His Atonement, and this beautiful plan. Just as I have been sent to Washington DC and cannot see my parents, we have been sent to this earth, not able to see our Father in Heaven. But I know, without a doubt, that my parents love me, that they weep with me when I am sad, they rejoice with me when I am happy, they love and care about me more than I can comprehend. Our Father in Heaven cares so deeply, loves so perfectly, and works so diligently to help us become, even as He.    

He has provided His gospel that we might return home. He has provided the way. And Tony has made His first covenant with Him, His first promise. TONY IS BAPTIZED!! Woohoo! Our Father in Heaven and Savior must have been smiling so big because it was absolutely gorgeous that day. Words cannot describe what an honor it has been to learn from him and grow with him. He's the only investigator I've ever known who, after meeting with us for one week, humbly said in the most sincere way: "I brought an investigator to a friend's baptism this week." He IS an investigator! haha He's the best.   

Anderson, Jamal, Isaiah, and so many more of our Father's beloved children are we finding and bringing to our Savior in such miraculous ways. And we are not working alone! Catherine and Ayumi (two girls in our ward) were out trying to find the apartment of a less active girl in our area. The directory didn't have the apartment number, so - they started knocking doors! And they were let into the home of a girl name Saquia and they taught her the Restoration! hahaha. She's been to a ward activity  and at church this weekend. How glorious.

Ok. Talk about one HISTORIC broadcast: The Hastening of the Work of Salvation. From the Quorum of The Twelve Apostles: Elder Holland, Elder Perry, Elder Anderson, Elder Nelson & President Packer, along with our beloved prophet, President Monson. These men talk with our Risen Lord and Redeemer! Our loving Father in Heaven would not send us here with no guidance or direction. He speaks to His prophet and apostles that we might know of this glorious plan! They are on His errand and He, the Great Jehovah, IS hastening His work. He's coming. He will return to this earth in great glory and power. The end is nigh and oh how we must help Him bring our brothers and sisters to a knowledge of the truth. We can know for ourselves. Our Father in Heaven is listening and He cares. He will answer.   

To celebrate
 Exchange with Sister Kartchner :)

Niraj! Yes, he IS a child of God.

 Jamals doing GREAT! I love him so dearly

TONY'S BAPTISM!!! He was radiating

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